Reading Charter

Reading Charter is one of the initiatives under the PICCK Student Scheme.
The programme encourages students to take the initial step into the world of reading, document their reading journey, discover the sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that reading can bring, and develop lasting reading habits.
To further boost students’ reading motivation, the programme offers reading charter cards for students to collect while enjoying reading. 

Encourages reading to broaden students’ horizons, exposing them to diverse perspectives and experiences.

Keeps reading records to help students discover and track their reading habits and interests, fostering a lifelong love of reading.

Offers reading charter cards for students to collect, thereby boosting reading motivation to deepen their joy of reading.


  • Primary
  • Secondary


  • Primary and secondary school students who hold an EdCity student account.


The Reading Charter programme is divided into 3 phases:

  • Phase 1: 2 October 2024 to 2 February 2025
  • Phase 2: 3 February 2025 to 1 June 2025
  • Special Summer Period: 2 June 2025 to 15 August 2025 (Note: reading records during this period will not be counted towards the PICCK student scheme)

Programme Details

  • The programme offers two sets of eight reading charter cards, one set for the primary division and one set for the secondary division.
  • Teachers can distribute the reading charter cards to students based on their teaching needs or curriculum arrangements
  • Each card has a unique QR code and a 16-digit activation code. Students can unlock the card by going to the “My Books” page on the Hong Kong Reading City website or the EdBookShelf mobile app and linking the card to a reading record.
  • Each reading charter card can be linked to one reading record. The more a student reads, the more reading charter cards they can collect, giving them a chance to compete for awards.
  • Schools can order printed reading charter cards through the online order form or apply for free reading charter e-cards.
  • The programme content may be subject to changes, and EdCity reserves the final decision on all arrangements.

Reading Pledge

On the back of each reading charter card, the reading pledge encourages students to set up reading goals while enjoying the pleasure of reading:

I pledge to:

1. enjoy the pleasure of reading
2. set aside time to read regularly
3. share the joy of reading with friends
4. discover the many surprises in books
5. read ___ books each month

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: How can I obtain the reading charter cards?

A1: The reading charter cards come in both printed and digital versions. Printed cards can be ordered by schools through the online order form. The digital version can be obtained for free on the “My Books” page of the Hong Kong Reading City website or the “EdBookShelf” mobile app.

Q2: Can the reading charter cards only be linked to books in Hong Kong Reading City?

A2: No. The books that can be linked to the reading charter cards are not limited to those in Hong Kong Reading City. For books that are not available on the platform, students can link them to their cards by adding the book information after unlocking the cards.

Q3: Can only schools that have subscribed to the eRead scheme take part in Reading Charter?

A3: No. Any student with an EdCity student account is eligible to participate in the programme.

Q4: Do students have to complete a book report in order to receive a reading charter card?

A4: No. Teachers can distribute the reading charter cards to students based on their teaching needs or curriculum arrangements, as an incentive.

PICCK Contribution

Communication and Collaboration Knowledge and Skills
 Activate a reading card
 Nominated for Family Award
 Win Family Award

Student Awards

1. Reading Badges

Gold, silver, and bronze reading badges will be awarded each term. Students who collect a specified number of reading pledge cards will receive electronic badges, certificates, and souvenirs. There is no limit on the number of badges to be awarded to students. 

  Primary Division Secondary Division
  • Gold: Collect at least 15 reading pledge cards
  • Silver: Collect at least 10 reading pledge cards
  • Bronze: Collect at least 5 reading pledge cards
  • Gold: Collect at least 12 reading pledge cards
  • Silver: Collect at least 8 reading pledge cards
  • Bronze: Collect at least 4 reading pledge cards

2. Joyful Reading Family Award

To encourage parents to support children’s reading habits, the Joyful Reading Family Award is established to recognize students who demonstrate high levels of reading engagement. 

  • Number of awardees: 3 each from the primary and secondary divisions 
  • Eligibility: The top 15 students in each division who have collected the most reading pledge cards in the first two terms are eligible to be in the running 
  • Selection method: Eligible students and their family members will be invited to enter the award, sharing the joy that reading has brought them
  • Prizes: Certificate, commemorative souvenirs, and one Ocean Park admission ticket

Announcement of 2023/24 Award Winners

The list of winners for the first term has been updated, please click here to view.

The list of winners for the second term has been updated, please click here to view.


About the programme: 
2624 1078

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