Dance the Way to Chinese New Year!

Publish Date: 31 January 2024

Hearing energetic rhythms by drums and cymbals, we know there is a lion dance from several blocks away.   Lion dance being one of the signature performances at Chinese New Year means to bring good luck and happiness.  Now that Chinese New Year is just days away, are you ready to enjoy the festive music and performance everywhere on the street?

There is a saying in Chinese that a minute on stage takes ten years of hard work off stage.  It applies to lion dance performers as well.  For a start, the lion dance costumes covering two performers are much heavier than we think – the head alone weighs about the same as a bag of rice!  As the performer in the front dances with the head and front limbs whereas the one at the back with the back and hind legs, it takes much effort for the duo to coordinate well as one lion body. 

Often, the lion dance performers are practitioners of martial arts.  Sometimes, the performer in the front is lifted by his partner, who even steps or leaps on the poles.  In addition to the acrobatic part, the performers usually imitate the appearance and actions of mythical creatures as such, like shaking the body and kowtowing, not to mention blinking their eyes!

When you catch eye of a lion dance performance next time, try to appreciate the vivacious movement and the efforts made behind by the performers. 

Cool Words


used to refer to the special thing for which a person or place is particularly known.


two people, especially two singers, musicians, or other performers.


involving or able to perform difficult and attractive body movements.


to behave in a similar way to someone or something else, or to copy the speech or behaviour, etc. of someone or something.


to show respect by going down into a position where your knees are on the floor and then bending your body forward so that your head touches the ground, in a way used especially in the past in China.




