Cheering the HKDSE Exam Candidates up

The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination starts today! The epidemic has more or less disrupted the candidates’ study plans. Thus, the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau (EDB) has disseminated the Sayings of Wisdom to the candidates, aiming to foster a positive atmosphere in society amid the epidemic.

The great poet George Herbert (1593 – 1633) once wrote, ‘To him that will, ways are not wanting’, meaning that if a person really wants to do something, they will find a way around obstacles and do so. This phrase now becomes, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ We genuinely hope that candidates can exert their very best with strong willpower and perseverance for the HKDSE Examination amid the epidemic.


As always, the Education Bureau provides support for S6 students.  Students may visit the Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students, which provides essential information about the HKDSE Examination, multiple pathways and various support services in planning for their future pathways.